domingo, 24 de octubre de 2010

Coalition for a Safe World (CFASW) Website

CFASW :: Home

Coalition for a Safe World is an organization founded by Suz Lebouf with the intention to help to understand the dangers that new technologies of social control represent for targeted individuals.

"Our Purpose. We are a charitable 501 (c) 3 nonprofit researching and documenting cases of reported unlawful electronic surveillance, tracking, torturing, stalking or other suspected uses of directed waveform energy weapons.
Some of these waveform energies are not well understood by the public if they are even known about and as more technology is developed for weapons uses we are left wide open for possible criminal attacks.
We work to provide the evidence and testimonies to bring to the public's awareness, and also to help promote investigations that may help stop the uses of such weapons on innocent people around the world. This is to promote a healthy and safe planet for all. "

1 comentario:

  1. Every Thursday Suz will be introducing targeted individuals and survivors (such as myself) victims of these horrible technologies.
