domingo, 24 de octubre de 2010

Science Fiction or Science Facts?

Hello folks,

During this civl war that Mexico is going through, I have witnessed new repressive technologies being implemented, such as Computer Graphics Imagery (CGI), Microwave and Electronic and GPS Surveillance use to cause illness and repress uprisings.

More recently I had an incident while at my former job that made me realize of a new potential threat to civilians. The use of magnetism and paramagnetism as a means of control and to cause pain and disease.

I have been also a witness to news manipulation and event to tv shows manipulation using CGI. This is not new, I have been seeing these signs in public ads and also in the Facebook, which by the way, has yet to disclose what criteria uses to feedback their users in a random way or in a targeted way.

I made this posting in my blog, about these horrible orwellian technologies they are using and testing and probably already implementing in your areas. I am very concerned for example that since a year and a half ago, many corporations from America and other countries moved from the "socialism" in the US. My concern is if they are using our soil to use the population as guinea pigs for future technologies to be applied worldwide.

If this is true, counter measure actions must be taken immediately, first spreading the word among our peers and loved ones who might be afflicted by these horrible new technologies or new application of old techniques of repression such as microwave radiation.

As an example, from one year and a half we stopped hearing from Obama's speech about diversity and economics reform to make the Economy more social. That is understandable since our government has special interests with weapons manufacturers and with the religious far right all of them trying to implement Plan Colombia. Luckily for us here, awareness about the genocide and social cleansing carried out by orders of Felipe de Jesus Calderon Hinojosa is rising since the number of fatal victims reached 30 000 people, many of them children and women.

I hope you find this "sci-fi" posting interesting it is based on my own experience in the front.

1 comentario:

  1. I just noticed that I am constantly bombarded with 'Jesus' adds, but I have never seen any other prophet like Mohammed... is it just me?
